East Haven 1/6/2012 6:05:44 AM
News / Law

DUI arrest in East Haven sparks probe by federal officials

Federal officials have launched a probe into the DUI arrest of the son-in-law of former police chief Inspector Gaetano Nappi.

The investigation of the Police Department centers on discrepancies in what the police reported and what the son-in-law says happened when he was arrested on December 17th.

The son-in-law John Duria, 37, was arrested after an officer was dispatched to Thompson Street around 4am. The officer stated that he found Duria’s Jeep parked at an intersection with his rear taking up most of the northbound lane. Duria was asleep behind the wheel with the engine running and his hand on the gear-shift. At the time of the arrest his blood alcohol content was .202, a DUI attorney can challenge this in court.

Duria, who is Latino, however disputed the officer’s report, saying he was asleep behind the wheel, but the engine was not running and the keys were not in the ignition.

The East Haven Police Department has been investigated for allegedly profiling and mistreating Latino residents.

If an investigation reveals that the key was not in the ignition then Duria cannot be charged with operating a vehicle under the influence. A DUI attorney can help a person reduce or even beat a DUI charge.

Beating a DUI is not an easy thing to do, but when you hire an experienced DUI attorney this may be possible. When faced with this charge, then accused should contact an attorney immediately to begin working on their case.