Los Angeles 1/6/2012 6:40:00 AM
News / Entertainment

Liposuction tops list of men’s favored cosmetic surgeries

Men are becoming a growing demographic for the nation’s plastic surgeons. Though it was once a taboo for men, it has now become more acceptable. According to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, cosmetic procedures performed on men have increased 88 percent since 1997, that’s close to 750,000 per year.

Men have a range of surgeries which include facelifts, eyelifts and fillers, but one of the most popular procedures is abdominal etching. Abdominal etching is basically employing liposuction to give the abdomen an etched look. The plastic surgeon uses his cannula to remove fat through liposuction in strategic areas which makes the stomach appear more muscular. It has two-fold affect by revealing the muscles underneath the fat and improving the overall appearance of stomach.

Men are also having liposuction to reduce the size of their breasts; this is not an uncommon problem for men over forty. Although, it may be funny to some, men who have so-called moobs (man-boobs) don’t find it so humorous. A plastic surgeon can reduce the size of a man’s breast so they feel confident enough to take their shirts off. 

There are some important things to consider, though liposuction can sculpt your abs, don’t expect to look like David Beckham. Just like women, men should have realistic expectations and know that liposuction can help you enhance your stomach but it isn’t a substitute for regular physical exercise and following a sensible diet.