Houston, TX 1/6/2012 9:56:57 PM
News / Law

Brightson Document Review Provides Onsite Attorney Project Managers

Brightson Document Review, a premier Texas based company with services available to the legal community, provides on-site attorney project managers. In addition to that, those who are handling bilingual projects can get qualified bilingual attorneys to meet the specialized needs of their projects. Such attorneys have certified fluency ratings from one of the premier language testing companies.

Talking about their on-site project managers, a senior executive from the company said, “We offer contract attorneys with many different areas of expertise and a comprehensive understanding of electronic discovery and document review. We make a significant investment in our project managers, account managers, recruiters, and review attorneys, because it is the quality of our people that allows us to provide our clients the most comprehensive solutions to their document review and eDiscovery needs.”

Project managers work closely with the legal counsel in order to establish a better understanding of the project requirements as well as the needs of the firm's clients. Additionally, they offer project analysis along with optimum security measures to ensure that the data is protected and maintained efficiently throughout the document review and eDiscovery process. On top of that, their clients are offered a three-day replacement guarantee for attorneys assigned to a project.

Talking about the role of the project managers, the senior executive added, “Experienced project managers will work closely with our dedicated recruiters to build review teams that meet your specific needs. We verify state bar cards and any history of reprimand, conduct criminal background and drug tests, and screening for potential conflicts. Once we have a team in place, our systems of pre-project training, support, and quality control help us ensure a seamless transition from project conception to project completion.

With the assistance of an attorney document review and eDiscovery processes are then facilitated. The company uses only the best document review facilities. Furthermore, the document review complies with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26(f) regarding ESI.

About Brightson Document Review:

Practicing since 1989, Brightson Document Review is a premier company that provides specialized service to the legal community. Based in Texas, the company excels in providing customized solutions, which include bilingual document review, project consulting, and project analysis. Before recruiting an attorney, the company screens, interviews and reference checks each candidate.

Brightson Document Review
3900 Essex Lane Suite 555
Houston, Texas77027
Office: (713) 337.2222
Toll Free: (866) 454.1900
Fax: (713) 337.2239