Sure, there are factors like an individual’s socioeconomic background, education level, and overall situation that each person is born into. But, there is something else… What enables people to go from rags to riches? What opportunities did they take? Trusting your gut is risky, but for great rewards one must take great risks.
Successful entrepreneurs share a common trait: they trust their guts. They have a talent for zeroing in and identifying profitable opportunities. They are willing to break conventional wisdom and turn deaf ears to expert advice, and simply go through what their instincts tell them.
Listening to your own intuition to make business decisions means trusting your own experience, and the wisdom that you have gained from your own personal encounters. Trusting your gut is also important in choosing the people you work with. A person’s resume, deep pockets, past experience, glib talking, and impressive network will mean little if you don’t trust the person.
Trust between partners is imperative. The trust you have in your partners is what allows you to hand over the reins. How deep a persons pockets are, their pedigrees or their business relationships dont matter. Unless you trust them whole heartedly it will be nearly impossible for you to allow them to do their Jobs.
You must have faith that they are as capable and as dedicated to the common goal as you are and, if your gut advises you otherwise then that could lead to an awkward business relationship. No one wants to work with people whom they constantly feel the need to scrutinize or vice versa.
In the case of intuition, the unconscious is the underlying meaning behind the decisions that you consciously make.
Intuition may not be able to be touched, seen, or even heard, but there is no doubt about it that it exists. Intuition is the cause of many of the greatest decisions of our time.
The gut feeling that you get when you are faced with a decision can lead you down either the right or the wrong path. Depending on the person’s expertise and understanding of the topic then they will be able to choose which path they go down.
Take more risks, have some balls and move forward with confidence. Create your own opportunities and follow your heart. Be Elite.
Elite Daily