San Diego 1/7/2012 4:45:25 AM
News / Law

Obama administration proposes immigration rule change to benefit families

Anyone who has tried to immigrate to the U.S. or bring family members into the country knows what a difficult process it can be even with the assistance of an immigration attorney. For this reason many people chose to enter the country illegally and they all face deportation.

Once an illegal immigrant is deported they are ineligible to return to the states and rejoin their families for a period that can range from three to ten years, depending on the number of years they illegally resided in the country. This can split up families for years, but now the Obama administration plans to change this rule which will benefit numerous immigrant families.

Under the new rule, family members who are facing deportation can request a waiver request before they return to their native countries to apply for visas. The immigrant would still have to return to their countries to start the visa process but getting advanced approval of the waiver would decrease the time spent away to days or months.

Although immigration agencies can offer these waivers in extreme hardship, it can be as time consuming as the green card process. The new rule will make it easier to obtain these waivers.

This move is getting positive reaction from immigration attorneys and immigration advocates, who are aware of how complicated the immigration process can be. An immigration lawyer can make all aspects of immigration easier for families and their loved ones.