Fairfax 1/10/2012 1:23:17 AM
News / Law

Freddie Mac gives unemployed homeowners the chance to avoid foreclosure

The high unemployment rate can be directly correlated to high foreclosure rates and in their effort to help the housing market Freddie Mac has decided to extend loan forbearance for the unemployed.

Starting on February 1st homeowners who are unemployed will be allowed to skip their monthly mortgage payments for six months and with Freddie Mac’s approval they will be given an additional six months forbearance if needed. This is one method to help curtail the burgeoning number of foreclosures weighing on the housing market.

Every homeowner can fight to keep their homes with the help of a foreclosure attorney, but for underwater homeowners there has been little relief. In order to have the principle on their loans reduced they must default on their loans fists. Underwater homeowners may also get a break.

Consumer advocates have long stated that people who owe more than their homes are worth need some assistance as well. Many of these underwater homeowners have chosen to walk away from their homes, called a strategic default, instead of apply for a mortgage modification with the help of a foreclosure lawyer.

 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, who hold half of the country’s mortgages, may consider writing down loan principles to reflect current home values. This would help keep numerous foreclosed properties out of the market.

Before an unemployed or underwater homeowner decides to give up their homes they should consult with a foreclosure attorney to see what they can do to avoid foreclosure.