A Pennsylvania woman has filed an asbestos lawsuit against
63 different companies she believes is responsible for her mother’s death from
mesothelioma and asbestosis.
Kathleen Buchner was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a fatal
lung cancer caused by long-term exposure to asbestos and asbestosis.
Her daughter, Mary
Ann Fischer filed a lawsuit on December 7th. She alleges that her mother was exposed to
asbestos containing materials by the 63 companies listed because of her father.
They are seeking compensatory damages.
Mr. Buchner worked at a Sunoco gas station and as a
carpenter in West Virginia and other areas. The lawsuit alleges that Kathleen Buchner
suffered from second-hand asbestos exposure.
Second-hand asbestos exposure happens when a person, in this
case a housewife, breathes in the material tracked in on the clothing or people
who work with the material. In many cases, the people who are exposed to the
material second-hand came in contact with asbestos after shaking out the dust
prior to laundering the tainted clothing. Sometimes these individuals are
unwittingly exposed to asbestos for decades. Mesothelioma attorneys have won large settlements for these
Asbestos use is on the decline but there are numerous people
who worked with the material prior to the regulations place on its use and they
may find it necessary to hire a mesothelioma lawyer. This disease takes decades to manifest and an accomplished mesothelioma attorney will be able to
pinpoint which company, or in this case companies, were responsible for their
fatal disease.