New York 1/10/2012 6:42:09 AM
News / Business

Responding to social media users critical to successful legal internet marketing

The fact that social media is a critical component of a legal internet marketing is not lost on the majority of law firms. Having a presence on the many different social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+ is important but you can’t stop there, the administrators of these pages need to interact with users.

A study conducted by Conversocial found that half of social media users are less likely to do business with a brand or law firm who ignores them on social platforms.

Forty-nine of the respondents to the survey said they would disregard a brand if their questions or feedback is ignored on Facebook or Twitter. A mere 17 percent of respondents said that being ignored on these platforms would not influence their decisions to patronize a business. This just shows that social media users want to interact with brands and businesses and not engaging them can be a mistake.

Conversocial also found that people turn to social media to find content they cannot locate in other places on the web.

This can become an overwhelming task for a busy law firm, but legal internet marketing companies can offer some help and often have administrators to help handle social media.

A comprehensive legal internet marketing campaign employing SEO, blogging and social media can drive new business, but law firms must also interact with social media users to maintain loyalty.