Seneca 1/10/2012 11:55:36 PM
News / Law

South Carolina police captain demoted amid sexual harassment allegations

A sexual harassment lawsuit filed in December resulted in the demotion of the police captain and the departure of several other officers.

According to court records, an unidentified female officer sent a letter detailing her sexual harassment allegations on December 1st

She alleges that one of her fellow officers made numerous sexual advances which included two direct propositions for a sexual relationship. She also stated that the officer touched her in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. The woman also accused other officers of unwanted touching and sexual advances.

The ensuing investigation resulted in the demotion of the police captain to corporal and the departure of several other officers.

The identities of the officers including the victim have not been released because of South Carolina privacy laws.

When faced with this type of hostility in the workplace, the victim can retain a sexual harassment attorney to put a halt to the behavior.

The Seneca Police Department quickly responded to the allegations and took appropriate action, but in many workplaces this is not always the reality. Harassment allegations are often ignored and the accuser is sometimes fired, called retaliation. But these victims don’t have to put up with this behavior. Hiring a sexual harassment lawyer will make certain the harassment is addressed by your employers.

A sexual harassment attorney will make it possible for the harassed to seek compensation if they have been unlawfully fired.