New York 1/11/2012 3:18:44 AM
News / Law

Alleged Kenmore Oven Control Panel Problems Under Investigation

In light of online consumer complaints of Kenmore oven control panel problems, Class would like to hear from anyone who experienced issues with theses ovens and ranges. A number of complaints of Kenmore oven control panel problems have surfaced online, among them allegations that the electronic oven control panels on certain models have stopped working. If you experienced Kenmore oven control panel problems, you could potentially have a legal claim which may entitle you to compensation. To find out if you are eligible, visit for a free evaluation of your Kenmore oven control panel problems.

While the concerns of Kenmore oven control board problems apply only to certain models of the ovens and ranges, consumers who experienced issues with their appliances have reported similar complaints. In the online complaints of Kenmore electronic oven control problems, consumers have alleged that the component goes black, becomes unresponsive, has failed or shows an F1 error and beeps. Many of these online users also complained that their Kenmore oven control panel is not working and needs repair. 

The electronic oven control panel on Kenmore ranges have a number of similar components, including clocks, thermostats, self-cleaning buttons, and electronic switches and keypads. Certain Kenmore ovens, however, have allegedly given consumers problems in regard to these electronic oven control panels. If you have experienced Kenmore oven control board problems, visit Class today for a free, no obligation evaluation of your claim. You may have legal recourse to seek compensation for damages.  

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