New York 1/12/2012 2:05:21 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Fat from liposuction can be a future ticket to health

Many things can be recycled or re-purposed for future use including medical waste such as fat removed from the body through liposuction.

A cosmetic surgeon gently removes the fat and then it is disposed. However there has been a growing trend of people using this fat as an alternative to chemical fillers for the face, breasts and even the buttocks. Fat tissue used as injectable fillers can actually bond with cells. But not adipose tissue has health benefits along with cosmetic benefits.

Recent studies have shown that stem cells from fat removed through liposuction can stimulate the repair process after a heart attack. In fact, stem cells can offer a solution to people with over 100 different life-threatening diseases. Stem cells from fat can give people who have a family history of diabetes, neurological disorders and heart disease different treatment options.

Fatty tissue has a higher yield of stem cells than bone marrow. And the process of removing fat tissue through liposuction is less invasive than other forma persons of obtaining stem cells.

Studies have also shown that people who have had liposuction can reduce their chances of future heart problems by eliminating fat from the abdomen.

This fat can also be stored for future use. There are fat banks that will freeze and store fat for future use.

Liposuction not only offers a person the chance to look better by contouring the body it can also be their future ticket to better health.