Los Angeles, CA 1/12/2012 4:16:11 AM
News / Law

IRS alleges Lindsay Lohan owes them $93,000 in back taxes

This has not been a good week for Lindsay Lohan who is facing two different legal problems. She is being sued by photographer who was hit by her car in January 2010. TMZ has also reported that the IRS has filed a tax lien against the troubled actress alleging she owes them $93,000.

Since Lohan is no stranger to legal problems and probably realizes that she could use the help of a tax attorney to help her with the lien.

Lohan’s representative said that she was not aware that she owed money to the IRS as she just changed the management team that handles her business. The rep also said that the problem will be handled immediately.

The IRS has been cracking down on people who evade their taxes or fail to pay. They have been aggressively pursuing people for unpaid taxes and this can cause serious legal headaches like wage garnishment and asset liquidation. An experienced tax lawyer can help their clients negotiate with the IRS to set up a payment plan and possibly reduce some of the penalties.

A tax attorney can help with a number of tax related issues including criminal charges like tax evasion. They can also help determine how to structure their business to reduce their tax liabilities. No matter what your tax issue is a tax attorney will be useful when facing the IRS.