New York 1/12/2012 4:24:43 AM
News / Law

Divorced man suing wedding photographers speaks out

Last year a New York man filed a lawsuit against a photography studio contracted to photograph his wedding alleging that they failed to capture key moments. When the news first broke  last November Todd Remis didn’t talk to the media about his lawsuit but he has broken his silence.

Remis says the lawsuit is not about his nostalgia over his broken marriage, instead it is about holding up a business agreement. Remis wanted the photography studio to pay for recreating the wedding, which cost $48,000, so that 15 percent of the wedding that was not captured can be photographed and videotaped. According to Remis, H&H Photography missed the last dance and the bouquet toss.

Remis requested that they pay for his ex’s flight from Latvia even though she cannot be contacted.

Remis and his Latvian bride were married in 2003 but their marriage was official dissolved in 2010 with the assistance of divorce attorney. His lawsuit against H&H photography has lasted longer than his wedding.

Divorce is a tough thing to deal with and people have trouble dealing with their emotions, sometimes anger and bitterness enters into the equation. Despite Remis’ claims, one has to wonder how much the end of his divorce has influenced this lawsuit. A divorce lawyer can be the voice of reason in dissolution.

A divorce attorney will make certain the interests of their clients are adequately protected in divorce proceedings.