Kansas City, MO 1/12/2012 4:53:36 AM
News / Law

Mitt Romney endorsed by author of Arizona immigration law

GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney announced Wednesday that he has been endorsed by Kris Kobach, Kansas secretary of state, who helped write tough immigration for Alabama and Arizona.

Romney, who also released a Spanish –language ad today, has been a fierce opponent of illegal immigration and supports the tough laws drafted by various states. Republicans generally oppose giving amnesty to the 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.

He also opposes the DREAM Act which allows an easier pathway to college students and young people who serve in the US military. Many of these young people were illegally brought to the states by their parents, who did not get proper legal documentation with the assistance of an immigration attorney. The majority of these young people have lived in the states their whole lives. The DREAM Act would give them the amnesty that Romney opposes.

Latino voters are increasingly becoming an important pool of potential votes and many agree with an easier path to citizenship. A recent poll from Univision and Latino Decisions showed that Latino voters consider the Republican approach to immigration as “outright hostile.”

Even with an immigration attorney, obtaining citizenship can be very difficult and the system needs reforming. Getting necessary visas and green cards are possible with an immigration attorney, but many desire to become permanent residents. They like most U.S. citizens are chasing the American Dream.