Lake Worth, FL 1/14/2012 3:55:19 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Christian Drug Rehabs Making A Huge Impact In South Florida

Florida Christian Rehab is Changing the Community

In recent years, Christian drug rehabs have become a popular choice for the treatment of addiction. Christian drug rehabs are making a huge impact in South Florida, with many quality Christian drug rehab centers opening up and treating people with love and grace.

For many people, they cannot imagine what their life would be like without being addicted to drugs. Christian drug rehabs help people see the beauty in themselves and how much they have to give the world.  Christian rehab helps people renew their physical, emotional and spiritual health with God’s love. Addicts discover how faith can turn their lives around. All it takes is time, dedication and patience.

When people leave rehab they often go to halfway houses in the community.  Sometimes these halfway houses are a source of local controversy.  People worry that an area where many addicts live will bring crime and other problems.  communities are finding that those coming from christian rehab centers are getting involved in positive ways.  They are volunteering their time and transforming their halfway houses.  Involvement in local churches is on the increase in these areas.  As a result, transitional living is becoming more accepted in South Florida.

Christian drug rehabs, like The Treatment Center, use daily Bible study and prayer groups to heal hearts and souls broken by an addiction to drugs. Many addicts who choose Christian drug rehab centers have never been exposed to a faith community, and many discover God and Jesus Christ for the first time. This can be a powerful catalyst for recovery.

The Bible says, in John 6:35, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."

Christian drug rehab centers understand that faith and spiritual strength can go a long way in helping addicts find peace in their lives once again. Addiction is a lonely, destructive disease and creates many fissures in an addict’s relationships, including their relationship with their community. Faith and the knowledge that one’s sins are forgiven by God will help addicts continue their recovery and work every day to make their lives better.