Boca Raton, FL 1/14/2012 3:58:46 AM
News / Law

Florida woman finds humor in divorce

Even if you have never been divorced you know that it can be a sad time filled with resentment and anger. Going to therapy, talking to friends and hiring the right divorce attorney can reduce some of the anguish, but not all of it. One Boca Raton, Florida woman found a way to channel her negative emotions and find some humor in her divorce.

Dr. Amy Botwinick, a chiropractor channeled her negative emotions and wrote a book about her divorce called, “Congratulations on Your Divorce: The Road to Finding Your Happily Ever After.” she was later approached by a theatre producer, Mark Schwartz, who wanted her to help him write a musical about divorce.

Schwartz had a great success with another play called “Menopause the Musical,” which earned $300 million in box offices worldwide. He wanted to produce another play that would appeal to the same demographic.

It was a theatre marriage made in heaven. Together Botwinick and Schwartz developed a play debuting in Palm Beach this weekend called “The Divorce Party the Musical.”  This play takes divorce and mixes it with humor and song.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the humor in a bad situation until much later. With the assistance of a divorce lawyer ending your nuptials can be a little easier and keep you from dwelling on the negative. When a divorce attorney is working on the technical parts of your dissolution can spend time healing your emotions.