Phoenix, AZ 1/14/2012 6:48:10 AM
News / Law

Phoenix immigration attorney meets with thousands to explain their rights.

Phoenix immigration attorney, Gabriel Sayavedra, works harder than most. During the day attorney Sayavedra works as one of the immigration attorneys for the Phoenix Law Firm of Alcock and Associates. In the evenings when most attorneys are going home, attorney Sayavedra travels across the valley to meet with large groups of people.  The audience members wait patiently for Mr. Sayavedra to arrive, eager to hear about changes to immigration laws.

In these meetings, attorney Sayavedra gives a one hour presentation explaining to the crowd their basic civil and immigration rights. He then allots another hour to give one on one consultation. “Hispanic people are living in fear. They don’t know when a loved one will go to work and won’t come back,” said attorney Sayavedra. “Teaching them about their rights and possibilities to fight deportation gives them hope.” Attorney Sayavedra has been giving these presentations since June of last year, giving from one to three presentations a week all over the valley. One day he will be at a public school in north Phoenix with an attendance of 20 people. The next day he might travel to a church building in Mesa with 100 in attendance.

Says Sayavedra, “The media tries to portray people who are in this Country undocumented as dangerous criminals.  But, you come to these meetings and you will meet fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters.  These people all have something in common, they just want to have a better life. I cannot fault them for that.” As a result, he plans on keeping his schedule full. 

Obviously this takes quite a toll on the busy immigration lawyer. “When people need you, there are no excuses. We are talking about peoples lives here.” Attorney Sayavedra is also  a husband and a father of four young children from 2 to 7 years of age. “It takes a toll, but if I don’t help these people, sadly no one will.”  If you would like to contact Mr. Sayavedra or the immigration and criminal defense attorneys at Alcock and Associates, please call 602-989-5000 or go to their website--  More information is available on YouTube