Boston, MA 1/24/2012 2:30:21 AM
News / Finance

GOP candidate Mitt Romney agrees to release tax forms on Tuesday

GOP presidential candidate had a tough week on the campaign trail last week as the pressure to release his tax forms reached a fevered pitch. Romney has dodged the question on how many years of tax forms he will release and when. He decided on Sunday he would releases at least one year of his tax forms on Tuesday. 

In December, Romney said he would not be releasing any income tax returns, but has changed his mind after coming under attack from his fellow candidates and the media for refusing to release the information.

It has been a tradition for those seeking political office to release their tax forms since Romney’s father ran for President in 1964 and set a precedent. 

No candidate for public office is required to release their tax forms, but the American public and political pundits want to see these returns since they are the people who will be drafting laws that will dictate federal and state income taxes.

Taxes have been a major issue for the country for years, with both Republicans and Democrats arguing over who should pay and at what rate. Reducing your income tax rate is possible when you get the advice of a tax attorney

A tax lawyer will know which tax deductions each individual and business are eligible for. The current tax code is complex and some of the available credits can be missed without consulting a tax attorney