London 1/24/2012 1:42:54 PM
News / Finance

The Treasury Verdict: Shock Waves of Euro Crisis Felt in BRICS and Beyond

Companies in growth markets are feeling the pain of the euro crisis. A massive 94% of Chinese corporate finance professionals, 83% in India, 84% in Brazil respondents and 80% in Southern Africa say they are experiencing some, or considerable, negative impact or expect to be hit by the crisis in the eurozone.

This is the result of EuroFinance’s recent series of Treasury Verdict voting sessions on current concerns, sponsored by J.P. Morgan Treasury Services. Senior treasury and finance professionals at our conferences in China, Brazil, India and Southern Africa were asked about the impact of the euro crisis on their business.

The results were as follows:

Impact of euro crisis            China    India   Southern Africa   Brazil
Considerable negative impact     20%      21%         24%        12%
Some negative impact             38%      29%        28%            38%
Expected negative impact     36%      33%         28%        34%
No negative impact              6%      17%         20%        16%

Corporate treasurers’ responsibilities include foreign exchange and cash management within their companies.

“Treasurers hold the purse strings of any company. They see where the money is flowing. If they are worried about the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, governments should be too. It doesn’t bode well for growth in what we are all relying on to be dynamic markets,” warns Katharine Morton, Managing Editor at EuroFinance.

Notes for Editors
The results taken in November and December 2011 are part of the Treasury Verdict series, sponsored by J.P. Morgan Treasury Services, measuring the viewpoint of corporate treasurers on up-to-the-minute issues.

To access the full reports complete with all the findings please visit the Research and Analysis section on the EuroFinance website.

Katharine Morton
26 Red Lion Square
London, WC1R 4HQ UK
+ 44 207 576 8555