New York 1/25/2012 11:36:23 PM
News / Finance

Mitt Romney addresses foreclosure in Florida

The housing market it in Florida was hit hard when the housing bubble burst and has faced a staggering number of foreclosures. One-third of the nation’s foreclosures have been in Florida, according to the Naples Daily News.

 Speaking to a crowd of 150 people in front of a foreclosed home in Lehigh Acres, Romney said that creating more jobs will help people keep their homes. Unemployment is a leading cause of foreclosure and getting more people back to work will help solve the crisis.

 A foreclosure attorney can help some homeowners obtain a mortgage modification, but mortgage lenders have not always been willing to provide homeowners with a modification. The Home Affordable Modification Act was intended to help troubled homeowners receive a loan modification, but banks have not been fully cooperative with the HAMP program. As a result they have been denied federal subsidies.

 Romney told the crowd that government needed to get out of housing and let the market reset itself, according to Naples Daily News. He also told the crowd that he would support legislation that would encourage banks to work with homeowners, who get behind on their mortgages.

 There are avenues that a troubled homeowner can explore to avoid foreclosure. A foreclosure lawyer can give the homeowner details about the options available to them. Though not all people can save their homes a foreclosure attorney can give them a fighting chance.