Imagine what you could do if you could get all of your settlement money at once. Would you pay off all of your debts? Or would you remodel your house or finally get that new car you’ve needed? Whatever the case may be, you can take care of your financial needs if you sell your structured settlement payments today.
Structured settlements became popular in the 1970s and were designed to help both the recipient and the payees. The recipient would receive regular installments of steady cash flow while the payee would have time to gather the money.
If you’re receiving structured settlement payments you probably rely on them pretty heavily to help take care of your basic household expenses, such as your rent or mortgage, utilities, transportation, and food. With everything that you have to pay in order to just survive, it’s easy to stress to feel like you never have any money for anything else.
Even with the best planning though, emergencies can happen and sometimes you can find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay for the things that you need. When you’re roof springs a leak or a strong storm throws a tree branch through your window, you’re going to need some extra cash to fix the problem, and you’re going to need it fast.
AnFed Bank wants you to know that as long as you have a structured settlement payment, you have options. The bank has been helping people like you get the money they need now from their structured settlement payments since 2008. Their team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop a fair
lump sum payment for your structured settlement payments. You can sell all or one of your settlement payments to help get you the money that you need.
Life is hard and can be very expensive. Why should you have to wait for your next structured settlement payment when you need the money now? Trust
AnFed Bank to get you the money you need today.