If you have a structured settlement, you probably rely on your payments a lot to cover things like your bills, transportation, and housing. Your settlement money means a lot to you, but sometimes you wish you could get more without having to wait for so long.
Well you can get more, and you can get it as soon as today if you wanted.
Selling your
structured settlement payments is an easy way to get the money you need when you need it. By selling your structured settlement for a lump sum payment, you will finally have the money to clear your debt, or start that new business you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe you just want the cash on hand just for the peace of mind in knowing you have the money if you need it. Whatever your reasoning may be, AnFed Bank can help you get your structured settlement money today.
AnFed Bank has years of experience in the structured settlement finance industry. The bank has been helping people like you get the money they need when they need it. Their team will work with you and help you develop a fair lump sum payment for all or some of your structured settlement payments.
You can rest assured that you’re getting the best deal possible when you work with AnFed Bank. Because AnFed Bank is a bank, you don’t have to worry about middle men trying to sneak year hands in the pot to take some of your
lump sum payment. By selling to AnFed Bank you can rest assured that you’ll be able to get the best deal for your structured settlement payments and in less time. So why wouldn’t you sell your structured settlement payments? Wouldn’t life be better if you had the money now instead of later?