Selling your structured settlement payments can help you get the money you need to take care of the things that are most important to you. By selling all or some of your structured settlement payments for a lump sum, you can get the money you need to take care of your finances and invest in a better life for yourself and your family. Stop waiting for your next settlement check to come in. If you need the money now, sell your structured settlement payments and get the money you need now.
Structured settlements were popularized in the 1970s as a way of providing recipients with a steady flow of income. If you have a
structured settlement you know how much you rely on those payments to help you pay for your common household expenses. From rent to utilities, to transportation, your structured settlement helps you cover it all, but what happens when you need more money? What do you do if you need to replace the tires on your car, or take Fido to the vet?
Although structured settlements were designed to help those in need pay for their daily expenses, they do not account for potential financial emergencies. If you have a structured settlement and need more money than you’re getting now, selling your
structured settlement payments can get you the money you need faster than waiting for your next installment.
AnFed Bank has been helping people get the money they need from their structured settlements since 2008. Their team of experienced professionals will help you develop a fair transaction for a lump sum payment to get you the money you need. You can trust
AnFed Bank to give you the best deal because it is a bank. This means there are no middle men, and no to share your lump sum payment with. The money you get will be all yours to use any way you wish.