No call loans for an apartment fixed loan with Apartment Bank. Apartment Bank is a division of BofI Federal Bank’s, a FDIC insured national bank, Small Balance Apartment Loan Program. For loans under $5 million one can get quick, simplified apartment loans and apartment financing for fixed rates with Apartment Bank.
Through a streamlined loan process borrowers can obtain an apartment loan or apartment financing for a property this is completely residential or up to 20% commercial use. This is because Apartment Bank is a completely online bank, and the documentation and paperwork is either done behind the scenes from Apartment Bank’s loan officer team or allocated out to a third party. The fixed loan process provides apartment loans ranging from $250,000 to $10,000,000, and from 25 year to 30 year amortization or pay off of the loan. There are 3 and 5 year fixed rate term loans available and the option of step down repayments. The completely online fixed loan process offered by Apartment Bank saves time and money, which allows for quick closings on a given property and often times the closing takes place under 45 days from the receipt of application package.
Apartment Bank is committed to offering its clients the best rates on apartment loans and apartment financing. The streamlined fixed apartment loan program they offer saves the applicant time and work in applying for loans in a property they have interest in.