West Haven 6/12/2012 11:49:58 PM
News / Finance

Atty. Gen. Jepsen’s Office Throws Senior Woman Homeowner Under The Bus

Senior Woman Homeowner Now Carries Disdain For The Attorney General And Others.

When she asked for help from the Attorney General’s office on numerous occasions, she was less than satisfied with the lack of assistance she received and she was left vulnerable to the abuse and the anguish that followed. Below you will see the pledge that the Attorney General is to abide by and in her estimation by experience, the Attorney General failed in the proposed mission to work for the people of Connecticut. Some of Mrs. Mandell’s not so politically correct emails have never been answered either. This angers her and she doesn’t like to be ignored. An apology is in order.

The Mission of the Attorney General's Office:

Among the critical missions of my office are to represent and advocate the interests of the state and its citizens as vigorously as possible, to ensure that state government acts within the letter and spirit of the law, that public resources are protected for present and future generations, that the quality of life of all our citizens is preserved and enhanced, and that the rights of our most vulnerable citizens are safeguarded.

She has been fighting tooth-and-nail with Bank of America for over 18 months now for a viable and sincere modification on your mortgage. She went through the agony of the HAMP application process and was almost driven to insanity. They lost papers numerous times, they denied her twice and it was a total horror show.

Just recently, however, she had a glimmer of hope after she learned of the 50 State Attorney General’s settlement with the major banks but that was swiftly dashed. She was interested in the special side-deal that Bank of America only agreed upon as it provided principal reduction and it would have easily allowed her to stay in her home. She is currently in her home at the moment and Bank of America has said that now, after two recent press releases were prepared on her behalf by a friend and her husband. You will see the links below for each of those press releases for your convenience. With the recent offer, she remains unsure with it as she does not trust Bank of American in any way. They have a history of lying, changing the game in mid-stream, giving people modifications and then foreclosing after a few months, even if the payments were made on time. All this happens each and every day in this country and Congress does nothing as they are too focused on their re-election bids and they simply don’t care or give a damn about the loyal citizens, taxpayers and homeowners that take the time to vote for and believe in them.

She experienced lackluster attempts of help from both of the Connecticut U.S. Senators Blumenthal and Lieberman and the U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro. You see, they use an excuse to do nothing, It’s difficult for them they say to get in-between any disagreements between their constituents and the banks as it’s a “Conflict of Interest” due to Congressional ethics guidelines. If you should read those guidelines, it will amaze you that it says, “She advises that you don’t get involved, but we can’t prevent you from doing so, if you wish.” If you remember, Democratic Sen. Dodd and Sen. Kent Conrad didn’t have that problem when they petitioned on behalf of themselves for a “Sweetheart Deal” from Angelo Mozillo of the now defunct Countrywide Home Loan, and most recently, Republican Senator Michael Lee, Utah, when he petition Pres. And CEO Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase for a $150,000 principal reduction on his mortgage in order to short sell it. Right from the day they are elected, they spend 75% of their time in office soliciting contributions for the next election.

Mrs. Mandell, did commend two Ct. Representatives and they are Rep. Anthony Musto of Bridgeport and Rep. Bob Duff of Darien, who have been fighting the other legislators to pass a law preventing pretender lenders such as MERS and other assignees from foreclosing on residents with improper paperwork, especially when they have no rights or interest to the property. The investor owns your loan, the investor is the one that should get paid, but more often than not, they get shafted also while the trustee of the MBS pool and the servicer walk away with a bushel of found money and the foreclosed homeowner is legally still responsible to the actual investor-should he or she appear at a later date. The people of Connecticut must insist that the necessary laws be changed to protect homeowners from being robbed of their homes and leaving them in jeopardy. Titles across the nation are tainted and this must be stopped immediately.

A politician should certainly be treated with respect but ONLY IF THEY’VE EARNED IT. They are not Gods and they put their pants on the same way we all do.

Press Release 05/14/2012 http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1075180

Press Release 06/11/2012 http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1082656

Contacts: John Reid (203) 745-1251