When opening a money market savings account individuals often look for one thing, a high money market interest rate that ensures their money will be working for them. To meet this demand UFB Direct recently increased their rate from 1.15% APY to 1.25% APY, a move that provides generous returns to account holders at UFB Direct.
UFB Direct, a division of BofI Federal Bank, an FDIC insured financial institution established in 2000, makes it easy to open a money market account. With as little as $5,000 you can establish your money market savings account and earn 1.25% APY and when the average daily balance remains above that level UFB Direct charges no maintenance fees.
Along with this high money market interest rate UFB Direct provides customers with a number of perks that come with their money market savings account including: the ability to deposit checks instantly from the comfort of your home or office with MyDeposit; free online banking with Bill Pay (limited), free mobile banking, email and text messaging alerts; free online images of checks and statements; easy online transfers between your UFB Direct accounts; a free Visa Debit card; and many more.
UFB Direct’s money market savings account consistently offers customers a rate that beats the national average and delivers unparalleled customer service. Open a money market savings account today and watch your money grow.