Anfed Bank gives you the security of knowing you are working with an experienced real bank in the structured settlement industry. Sell your structured settlement payments to Anfed Bank and receive your money sooner than you thought possible and for what they are truly worth. Don’t settle with other companies that just promise you fast and easy payouts. Your impending financial needs can be met quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to be strapped for cash waiting for the stream of future payments. Emergency needs can be stressful, Anfed Bank understands and with no middleman to answer to, lump sum payments can be processed quicker assisting you to get the money you need.
Having received a structured settlement but finding that you cannot wait for the payout dates, consider selling your structured settlement for a lump sum to Anfed Bank. Anfed Bank will help you avoid the middle man and help ensure that you receive what your structured settlement is worth faster and without waiting on future payment schedules. There is no reason to wait if you could have your money now.
The structured settlement industry is riddled with options and most of the time payments are sold and brokered out to sell for a profit. This equates to a lower payment structure to the individual in need of cash now. The trusted structured settlement professionals at Anfed Bank eliminate a third party broker therefore securing the highest lump sum payout. Customer service is of primary importance to the structured settlement experts at Anfed Bank and mapping out the best plan to meet the financial goals for each structured settlement recipient. Each individual structured settlement owner has varied financial needs, so trust that Anfed Bank will assist in constituting the best plan to meet you current needs without compromising your future financial security.
Choices for selling a structured settlement are plentiful, but the preference of whom to sell it to is obvious: Anfed Bank, the most trusted and experienced in structured settlement purchasing. Go to and discover how the experts at Anfed Bank can help.