Atlanta 7/29/2012 11:03:55 PM
News / Finance

Rewards Checking with Bank of Internet USA Offers Convenience and Savings

Bank of Internet USA is now offering a rewards checking program that matches convenience with money-saving benefits

As more and more people are finding that the day simply doesn’t offer enough time to get everything done the demand for convenience has grown. With this demand we have seen the birth of self-checkout lanes at grocery stores, pay at the pump gas stations, kiosks dedicated to pre-flight check-ins at airports, and the list continues to grow longer. Now Bank of Internet USA has added online banking to the list of services that can be completed not only quickly but with rewards.

 As America’s oldest and most trusted Internet bank, Bank of Internet USA is now offering a rewards checking program that matches convenience with money-saving benefits, giving customers the best of both worlds. Understanding that saving money is just as important as ease of use Bank of Internet USA has designed their rewards checking program around that belief.

 With a rewards checking account at BofI customers are provided with benefits that include unlimited ATM reimbursements, free Bill Pay, free cash-back Purchase Rewards and free FinanceWorks™ money management software. On top of this, rewards checking accounts can earn up to 1.25% APY on all balances and it only takes $100 to open an account.

 In addition to these free services and products BofI’s rewards checking account enables customers to deposit checks from their home or office at no charge as well as provides them with free online banking, free online images of checks and statements, and free online transfers but they also promise no maintenance fees.

 BofI has defined what online banking should be, open your rewards checking account today and enjoy the convenience and savings that are now available.