When choosing a money market savings account, most people choose the bank with the higher interest rate. Most people will choose a money market savings account over a traditional savings account for that factor alone. With UFB Direct you can open a money market account and not only get a great interest rate, but also a lot of advantages to make your online banking and money management a whole lot easier.
At UFB DIrect a high money market interest rate isn't the only good thing. Although an interest rate starting at 1.30% APY is really worth considering, UFB Direct also offers a variety of ways for
money market savings account holders to get the most out of their money through online banking.
Online banking is quickly becoming a necessity when it comes to looking for a good bank. With a host of online tools and services, UFB DIrect makes it easy to manage your money online no matter where you are. From free money management software, FinanceWorks, to Mobile Deposit and MyDeposit for convenient deposits at home or on the go, UFB Direct provides everything anyone would ever need to do all of their
banking online.
Opening a money market savings account with UFB Direct is easy to do. With just a few moments of your time and an active internet connection you can get started on your own money market account today.
Open a money market Savings account with UFB Direct today and start saving now.