Atlanta 10/12/2012 6:10:00 PM
Sell Your Structured Settlement to Anfed Bank for the Most Cash
With a structured settlement, one needn’t worry as much about financial struggles. Even if money is needed immediately, one can simply sell future structured settlement payments. Typically, a structured settlement is granted to personal injury claimants from corporations or other entities. It allows compensation to be paid over time, rather than in one lump sum. However, if the individual needs cash immediately he/she can sell structured settlement payments to a broker or, best case, to a bank.
Anfed Bank is one such bank. Anfed Bank is a division of Bofl Federal Bank, a federally chartered, publically traded and FDIC insured bank. It is better to sell to a bank, rather than a broker, because the individual can get the most money for their structured settlement. The bank, or other financial institution, is the actual purchaser of the settlement. Whereas a broker merely wedges itself in between the annuitant (personal injury claimant) and the bank.
Trust the expertise and professionalism of Anfed Bank’s finance staff. With years of industry experience specifically in structured settlement finances, Anfed Bank’s professionals understand the claimant’s needs. They will help the individual get the most value for their structured settlement. Simply stated, get more cash for your structured settlement with Anfed Bank.