Atlanta 1/23/2013 7:25:00 PM
News / Finance

Transfer Money as Easily as Sending a Text with Bank of Internet USA’s Rewards Checking Account

Bank of Internet USA has worked to develop an online bank account that is easier to use. Rewards Checking is that account and it makes online banking far easier and more fluid than other accounts. One thing that the Rewards Checking account makes easier is transferring money.

The Rewards Checking account has multiple complementary features like Popmoney, which allows users to transfer money as easily as sending a text message or an email. All you need to use Popmoney is a persons bank account information, their email address or even their phone number. This is useful when you need to pay someone and have no cash. This is better online banking from Bank of Internet USA.

The Rewards Checking account is a tiered, variable account, which means that users have control over how high their interest rate is. Users can earn a higher interest rate simply by using the products and services that Bank of Internet USA offers. One such service is the online bill pay. Two online bill pay transactions, for example, and Bank of Internet USA will reward you with a higher interest rate.

For more information call the oldest and most trusted internet bank at 1-877-541-2634