Atlanta 2/13/2013 1:00:00 AM
News / Finance

Second Chance Checking from NetBank Provides Customers with Free Cash-Back Purchase Rewards

Many Americans today are lacking access to basic banking services to manage their personal finances, due to a negative account history with a previous bank. Individuals that are denied a checking account often are left with costly pre-paid debit cards to keep track of their money, preventing them from establishing a new record of responsible banking and hampering their credit development.

NetBank seeks to put control back into the hands of these individuals by offering a second chance checking account to all who may have established a less-than-exemplary record of money management. With all of the convenient, industry standard resources that customers would receive from a traditional checking account, second chance checking customers can reclaim the freedom to bank as any other account holder, even with privileges like purchase rewards.

NetBank offers every second chance checking customer free cash-back purchase rewards for using their NetBank Visa debit card on purchases at their favorite stores and online shopping sites. At the end of each month, cash-back rewards earned are deposited into each customer’s second chance checking account to be used as they please. Customers can also utilize free services like mobile banking to keep track of their spending and assist on their road to better banking habits.

NetBank believes that everyone deserves a second chance. Get your second chance checking account from NetBank today and start banking again.