Atlanta 3/10/2013 6:25:00 PM
UFB Direct Offers a Better Online Banking Experience with Airline Rewards Checking
The Airline Rewards Checking account makes online banking a much quicker and less painless experience than you are probably used to. For example, the main feature of the Airline Rewards Checking account is to earn airline miles with your debit card. To do that all you have to do is swipe your card at any POS system and the points will be automatically posted to your account.
If, at the opening of your account, you pick an airline which you would like your points posted to, they will automatically be transferred over to that airline. This will take the hassle out of transferring all of the points yourself and making sure they are all there and accepted.
The Airline Rewards Checking account is easy to use and understand. Simply use your debit card at any POS system and for every $2.00, 1 point/mile will be transferred to your account, or your preferred airline. This makes for better online banking because it means less work for you.
You will also have to work less with the MyDeposit and Mobile Deposit applications that are on the account. These allow you to deposit checks from anywhere and at anytime. No more going to ATMs and risking leaving your card in it and no more having to go to a bank. UFB Direct allows you to deposit checks from the comfort of your own home whenever you want.
The Airline Rewards Checking account also allows you to see all of your financial information at one time thanks to the FinanceWorks™ program which brings all of your financial data under one roof.
You can find out more by calling UFB Direct at 1-877-472-9200.