The Avanti Group the equities research house based in Tokyo, providing professional trading and investment research solutions to institutional and private investors across the globe have recently drawn their investor’s attention to U.S. soybean farmers planting a record crop that is poised to double domestic reserves and expand a global surplus after last year’s drought drove prices to an all-time high.
“Last year we were sitting in a completely different field, with Soybeans gaining to a record $17.89 during the 2012 drought in the U.S. and Brazil, China and Argentina making for exceptional placements,” said Michael Johnson Head of Investment Analysis at The Avanti Group.
Farmers spurred on to fill their land by the record low of $4.985 when the commodity entered a bear market in 2005, ensuring to increase production and sustain a $1.14 trillion dollar global food import industry. The Avanti Group analysts expect with the peak October harvesting approaching November’s futures may trade in at $9.90 a bushel seeing a drop of around 25 percent, a figure calculated on the U.S. not having any major adverse weather over the next four months and ensuring the last third of Midwest fields are planted in time.
The Avanti Group has a number of clients who, as part of their portfolio of investments, have a financial interest in such commodities amongst other closely related industries. Having followed the developments closely over many months the investment group are in a strong, well-informed position to advise existing and new investors as to how this situation can be used to a profitable advantage.
“With a new record of soybean output being estimated at the end of August 2014 we are advising investors of how the possible changes will create opportunities with firm foundations within other sectors, food production costs will reduce and manufacturing and transport needs will increase. We also have many other investors who are using our advice concerning this situation to cement solid positions in relation that will secure bankable gains ,” concluded Michael Johnson Head of Investment Analysis at The Avanti Group.
The Avanti Group is an equity research house providing research and analysis outsourcing solutions for institutional financial traders worldwide, founded in early 2003.