LeadingStockAlerts.com provides free stock reports for investors and day traders. Simply by going to LeadingStockAlerts.com or by going to the link below, you can see all the daily information on any company like Soul and Vibe Interactive, Inc. (OTCBB: SOUL). as a of 11:14am traded at $0.9950 with a daily range between $0.80-$1.10.
Soul and Vibe Interactive Inc. closed July 24th at $0.71 and opened at $0.81. The company’s volume is 4,229,006 with a three month average volume of 221,306. Their market cap is 108.84 million.
We’ve been conducting due diligence on SONS for the last few weeks because we want you to learn everything about this company instantly through this free stock report. You can get your free stock report by going to leadingstockalerts.com or by going to the window below.
On May 28th the company announced that Scott Balaban joined their advisory board. Balaban is a former Hasbro Interactive Senior Game and Toy Designer and was also the co-founder of Gameblend Studios. He has a strong product design background and expertise integrating software based digital gameplay with physical toys effectively creating an immersive experience around proprietary intellectual properties and top-tier licensed brands.
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Many small cap and micro cap companies lack the recognition required to raise the resources needed to increase equity appreciation and liquidity. This community has traditionally been shunned by Wall Street Institutions and has been forced to look elsewhere for exposure.This site understands that there are many explosive companies waiting to be discovered by the retail investment community. These firms do not have the technology or time to introduce themselves to a wide range of potential investors. Our site allows its clients to focus on achieving their business goals while taking over the task of introducing the company to millions of potential investors.