IQ Elections is pleased to announce the launch of a new website, - your non-partisan source for information about the money that drives American political elections. At IQ Elections, individuals who are interested in understanding the impact that finances have on elections can research contributions made by individual donors, Political Action Committees (PACs), and all political candidates running for office.
IQ Elections has compiled data provided by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and provides site visitors with easy to use search options to help them get the information they need. Track money donated by individual contributors by election year, state, and the individual’s name. Advanced search options allow you to narrow your search results by zip code, party affiliation, and transaction type. A state contribution profile is also provided for each state, featuring the total contributions, the amount of money donated to each party, and the average donation per zip code. The top ten largest contributions by individuals and a breakdown of political contributions by individual zip code are also available.
The IQ Elections Candidate Directory offers information on candidates that have registered with the FEC or appeared on a ballot list developed by a state elections office. A detailed candidate profile is available for each candidate, including information such as the office the candidate is running for, his or her affiliated party, and the name and address of the candidate’s official committee. Detailed contribution statistics can help you understand where your candidate is getting his or her financial support from, so that you can make an informed decision when voting.
A third search tool allows site visitors to research the campaign contributions of Political Action Committees (PACs). Interest groups, unions, and corporations make contributions through PACs because they cannot contribute directly to candidates or parties. A list of current PACs by state, the candidate or party affiliated with the PAC, itemized contributions for each PAC, and the top 100 donations and contributions to the committee are available for those who are interested in contributing or learning more about the influence of PACs on elections.
If you are interested in researching political campaign finances, visit All IQ Elections resources are available free of charge to site visitors.
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