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Surviving Market Volatility

Diversification, Regular Reviews for the Long Haul

As a shell-shocked investor, you sometimes want to bail from the market all together. You thought you were prepared for the psychological anxiety by constantly repeating to yourself, “I’m in for the long haul.” You stare at the “mountain charts” displaying the markets inclination for value appreciation. But when you’re in a steep descent, the peaks seem far away. Taking the long-term point of view can help, but it may not be enough to deliver the psychological solace you seek. (As a head’s up: market timing is generally touted online as an elite money management strategy; but few, if any, of its managers can actually deliver the performance they promise.) 

When you can’t find an exit ramp off the broadway of destruction, it may be an indication you didn’t plan your road trip accordingly. Cross-country travel without planning for overnight stays, gasoline and food stops can leave you stranded in desolate places. Regular reviews on your retirement income strategies can help you make measured decisions along the way as you travel toward your destination. Diversification of your assets is a strategy to spread your investments over asset types and time horizons among equities, bonds, cash and sometimes-alternative investments, like real estate and gold. They’re investor-suitability thresholds that need to be established with your financial consultant before purchasing any financial products for risk tolerance and goal planning. Watch the interview with nationally recognized Certified Financial Planner and Registered Investment Advisor Stephen Stricklin on market volatility. http://rightonthemoneyshow.com/surviving-market-volatility-stephen-stricklin/