header photo Leawood 2/13/2016 11:00:00 AM
News / Finance

Top 10 Retirement Challenges

Preparing to Mitigate Risk in Retirement

The U.S. Government Accountability Office reports Americans ages 55 to 64 can be classified into three categories for retirement readiness:

  • 48 percent have some savings.
  • 23 percent have a defined benefit plan.
  • 29 percent have little to no savings at all.

 With me today to talk about the top 10 retirement challenges to pre-retirees and retirees is Stephen Stricklin, Certified Financial Planner and Registered Investment Advisor. Stephen is one of the top five advisors in the country, as ranked by Retirement Advisor magazine, a leading industry publication. Watch syndicated financial columnist Steve Savant interview Stephen Stricklin with retirement ideas to help you enjoy your golden years. http://www.onthemoneynews.com/the-top-ten-retirement-challenges-on-the-money-news/