header photo Leawood 2/27/2016 11:00:00 AM
News / Finance

Tactical Investment Retirement Planning

Protecting Your Portfolio to Minimize Loss

January 2016 was a turbulent month in the market. It is estimated 93 percent of investors lost money in the first month of the New Year. Many investors have moved to bonds, while some have went cash and a few have exited the market all together.

During the market meltdown of 2008, many investors accumulated significant losses, especially in their 401(k)s. Over the last seven years, retirement portfolios have generally recovered. But with losses in August 2015 and now in January of this year, many investors are paralyzed by fear. With me today to talk about the tactical investing is John Dubots, financial advisor and guest columnist. John has been featured in both Forbes and Fortune magazines. http://www.onthemoneynews.com/tactical-investment-retirement-planning-on-the-money-news-2/