header photo Leawood 4/29/2016 11:00:00 AM
News / Finance

The War on Retirees

No One’s Talking about the War on Retirees

The war is on, but are both sides fighting fair? When it comes to retirement, you can’t control the economy in which you retire, but no one seems to be talking about the war on retirees as it stands today. Watch the interview about the war of retirees with investment adviser representative adviser Eric Judy. http://rightonthemoneyshow.com/the-war-on-retirees-eric-judy/

There are manipulations to protect the economy that have kept interest rates low, while at the same time, safe growth options have been decimating. Negative interest rates are a reality already in parts of Europe and Japan and a possibility in the near future here in the United States, so what does that mean for retirees? You need to fight back. It’s your money. It’s your retirement.

As a retiree, you may have options available to help wage the war against you, such as dividend-paying stocks, treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) and annuities that offer guaranteed income you can’t outlive. When you are near or in retirement, you begin to realize you’re living in the last quarter of your life and perhaps for the first time, you’re aware of your own mortality. You are also more conscience of money than you’ve ever been. Your retirement funds—in part or whole—may be invested in the market in an attempt to generate more income from your portfolio and cut back on your monthly withdrawal rate to meet your ever-evolving life expectancy. The market has its own sense of risk anxiety that compounds the angst of just being a senior.


Who can help you fight this war? A qualified financial professional. Retirement is not a do-it-yourself activity. To avoid unnecessary stress, look to those who understand and are knowledgeable about this complicated subject.
