header photo Leawood 5/28/2016 11:00:00 AM
News / Finance

The Basics of Estate Planning

Building a Firm Financial Foundation with Wills and Trusts

An Everplans study concluded most Americans want to plan for the future, but few have no plan in place for the disposition of their estate to their beneficiaries1. Procrastination could result in the unnecessary intervention of the state and disputes among beneficiaries. The Everplans study estimated 34 percent of Americans have a will and most still lack creating a trust, powers of attorney or health care directives. Most Americans are not ready for a conversation about end-of-life planning or are struggling with how to start a plan or who to talk to about a plan1. Here to help us understand a few the most important talking points of estate planning is estate planning attorney Elizabeth Westby.


For more information on basic estate planning, just go to onthemoneynews.com and fill out a request form right on the home page.