header photo Leawood 7/23/2016 6:00:00 PM
News / Finance

The Mid Year Economic Update for 2016

The economy and terrorism are the two talking points in the presidential elections.

The economy and terrorism are the two talking points in the presidential elections. But for most Americans, the economy is the number one concern. The U.S. debt is approaching 20 Trillion. The GDP is endemic. The latest jobs report has the Fed from holding off on raising interest rates.

In an election year, consumers as well as investors are seeking direction from both parties. To talk about some of the economic issues half way through 2016 and the impact of the elections is Tom Hegna, popular platform speaker, retirement specialist and best-selling author with two retirement books entitled Don’t Worry, Retire Happy and Paychecks and Playchecks. Tom has also hosted the PBS Special, “Don’t Worry, Retire Happy.” Welcome to the On The Money News, Tom. http://www.onthemoneynews.com/the-mid-year-economic-report-on-the-money-news/