Baby Boomers overly focused on assets as they consider retirement would do well to aggressively plan for the impacts of a rapidly changing healthcare landscape. Accustomed to the relatively straightforward enrollment process of traditional healthcare plans sponsored by insurers and employers, aging workers face a puzzle of options in Medicare that can financially backfire without counsel regarding income, distributions and taxes.
Healthcare considerations only add to the maze of alphabet soup in retirement. Faced with having to understand the complexities of IRAs, 401(K)s, ERISA, RMDs, Social Security and AGI, retirees can now add to the list Medicare, Medigap, HSAs Plan B, Plan D and Cadillac plans.
By affiliating or hiring a retirement plan specialist who’s both financially and healthcare astute, consumers will better understand the various factors and the importance of planned integration. A few of the major themes include:
Accordingly, the services of a retirement planning expert accustomed to managing income, distributions, taxes and healthcare spending can significantly help retirees maximize spendable income and allocate their resources through their life expectancy.