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News / Finance

Return on Principle

Seven Core Values to Help Protect Your Money in Good Time and Bad

Overprotection – No Super Bowl champion wins without a great defense. Portfolio performance is one thing, but fund preservation is quite another, and it’s a preferred attribute in money management. Hedging your portfolio is a calculated defensive position to take up.

Detailed Orientation – Not everyone is analytic, but the basic money mechanics are within the scope of most investors. Learning the ins and outs about money is so fundamental to financial success that, if you can’t figure it out, outsource to a detailed adviser.

Diligence – Many people in our ADD society have never been trained to be diligent. It’s a discipline of thoroughness that escapes the average investor. But it’s a mindset about money that can be changed through regular financial education. If the learning curve is too steep, find a diligent adviser.

Coachability – Many adults refuse to be told anything, even if it’s for their own good. Nevertheless, most investors need a mentor with a solid track record on money matters. If you’re approachable, you’re coachable! If you’re not, do you want to be? There are a few “tough love” advisers out there that are disciplinarians who know how to have your back.

Leadership – The vast majority of investors need guidance. But good guidance means transferable influence, in this case, about money. It’s how parents cultivate character in their children and become leaders of their own households. Good followers become good leaders. Good leaders become mentors. And in this case money mentors.

Honesty – Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” Facing reality is tough. Investors who undergo a risk tolerance test are often surprised to discover their psychonomic profile doesn’t reflect their portfolio holdings. Your financial profile and portfolio should agree.

Fearlessness – During market volatility, it’s difficult to be brave and stick to your plan. Turbulent times can either expose faulty thinking or confirm the right thought process. Fearlessness can be developed through knowing your money self and having a plan that reflects your financial goals, and sometimes a back-up plan as an alternative pivot point.

Major contributions to this press release are directly from David’s newest book entitled, “Return on Principle: 7 Core Values to Help Protect Your Money in Good Times and Bad.” David has also authored the critically acclaimed book, “Stop The Financial Insanity, How to Keep Wall Street's Cancer from Spreading to Your Portfolio." David is not only a best selling author, but also a popular platform speaker and TV talk show host of the Income Generation. David is a CFP, CFA, MSFS, CLU & ChFC.