Throughout this series we have been looking at how JourneyGuide, a new interactive retirement planning software, enhances an advisor’s practice by combining an exceptionally robust, after-tax analysis with an intuitive application that’s intended to be used right with the client. In previous sessions, we’ve demonstrated why it is so important to move the conversation from account value to lifestyle and income and then how co-planning builds trust with the client and makes it “their plan”. We’ve also seen how dynamic updates to a plan such as adding a guaranteed income stream encourages the client to take action as opposed to scheduling another meeting. And then in our last session we compared two plans in an easy-to-read graph that quickly represented the opportunity costs of decisions.
Today we’ll bring all of these together. Joining the additional security of guaranteed income to address longevity risk with the rebalancing of the investment assets along with timing of Social Security, the advisor is able to adjust the client’s plan to maximize their retirement income in seconds. What normally would be several hours and a couple meetings, the advisor can now do on-demand with the client in the office.
Since the client is involved in the process and seeing firsthand the impact of decisions, the advice is by its nature in the client’s best interest. As a result, the client takes ownership of the plan and is much more likely to be moved to action immediately. The advisor can milestone that discussion for safe record keeping as well as print out a report for the client to take home.
Altogether, the JourneyGuide experience saves the advisor time, builds stronger relationships with clients, and most importantly, helps the client prepare for a better retirement. To experience JourneyGuide for yourself, visit to request a demo or start your free trial today.
Michael L. Smith is a co–contributor to this press release.