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News / Finance

Medicare & Military Veterans

Many Vets Misunderstand Their Need for Medicare Coverage

When you’re in the military, life can change quickly. You could be deployed or relocated to a new duty base or assigned to temporary duty. You could be promoted, with an increase in pay grade. You could marry, have children, or get divorced.

The more you expect things to change, the more important it is to be in good shape, personally, professionally, and financially. Being financially fit is what this guide is about—how the choices you make about spending, saving, and investing your money can mean a huge difference in your life, now and in the future.

No matter how well you plan, the unexpected can always happen. Insurance policies can help protect you in case it does. The US government offers low-cost health and life insurance options exclusively to servicemembers, veterans, and their families. To find out more about these plans, visit www.tricare.mil for health coverage and visit the VA’s Insurance website at www.insurance.va.gov for life insurance.

But you many vets have Medicare as well and don’t take advantage of the coverage for themselves as well as their families. The benefits between Medicare and Veterans Affairs don’t correlate, so partnering with a Medicare professional who has a solid understanding of Vet benefits is highly recommended.

If you own a home or a car, you’ll need insurance to cover loss and liability. Some insurers are more reputable than others, so get impartial advice before you select an insurer.

Lightbulb Press contributions are published with permission.