Los Angeles 7/3/2010 4:37:19 PM
News / Finance

Wall Street Prison Consultants Offers Free Consultations To White Collar Criminals Going To Prison

Consulting firm to advise future federal inmates convicted of fraud, scams, and other fraudulent activity on federal prison survival and sentence reductions.

With the growing numbers of people being convicted of fraud and other white collar crimes, former 10 year federal inmate Larry Levine whose been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN,  MSNBC, The Economist,  Forbes, The L.A. Times, has set up prison consulting firm Wall Street Prison Consultants, offering white-collar offenders a survival program to acclimate them on Federal Prison life, and assist them in obtaining early releases by helping them qualify to enter  Federal Bureau of Prisons programs offering early releases.

“Those going through the Federal Court process for stock fraud, securities fraud, bank fraud, mortgage fraud , check fraud, credit card fraud, insurance fraud or mail fraud need to contact us immediately,” said Levine. “That way we can take time to review their case, and advise them on important prison issues before they enter custody that their criminal defense lawyer may be unaware of.”

Where Wall Street and the mortgage and banking industry has always had brokers and bankers being accused of fraud and other financial scams, the F.B.I. has reported a sharp increase in financial fraud investigations as the economy continues to bottom out. News of Bernie Madoff stealing 50 billion dollars, and the R. Allen Stanford alleged theft of 8 billion dollars, is just the beginning of an unraveling on Wall Street as more mega brokers are exposed for ripping off their clients funds and will undoubtedly be sent to prison and needing Levine's services.

"I do damage control," said Levine, whose agency has consulted with several mega financial criminals, made an appearance on the CBS News Early Show generating controversy when he reportedly told suspected killer Joran van der Sloot's mother  " that she should go out and buy a black dress and get ready for the funeral, because it's gonna be all over pretty soon."