Atlanta 9/18/2010 4:00:01 AM
News / Weather

Hurricane Karl Makes Landfall, Damages at Least 3,000 Homes in Mexico

Hurricane Karl made landfall Friday afternoon about 10 miles north of Veracruz, Mexico. Karl was a Category 3 storm when it came ashore, but weakened to Category 2 as it traveled inland.

The National Hurricane Center said Karl made landfall at 12:30 p.m. with maximum sustained winds of 110 mph and heavy rain. "Karl is expected to produce rainfall accumulations of 5 to 10 inches across the central and southern Mexican Gulf coast region with isolated amounts of 15 inches possible in the interior mountains. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mudslides,” the center warned.

Flooding has already been reported in some areas. At least 3,000 homes in central Mexico have been damaged.


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