Phoenix 3/28/2011 10:57:09 PM
News / Finance

Jobless Claims Drop in Thirty Eight States but Rises in 15 States

by Daun Lee

The Labor Department released statistics on the number of jobless claims that showed the number of jobless claims dropped by 5000 countrywide last week. The number of claims has decreased for the fourth straight week which shows the job market may be on the mend. Thirty eight states saw their unemployment rates drop but 15 states saw an increase. Data hasn’t been released specifying which states have had an increase in unemployment. Economists think this promising for the economy but many people in the country are still out of work.

For the unemployed times are hard and until they too find jobs they will continue to struggle financially. The number of available jobs isn’t growing fast enough to save some people from bankruptcy. The price of gas and groceries continues to climb exponentially sending many people to bankruptcy lawyers to relieve their growing debt.

Unemployment benefits are generally a fraction of what people earned while employed. The numerous individuals who remain unemployed fight to keep themselves from going underwater. To provide the basic necessities for themselves and their families they may rely on credit cards but eventually they won’t be able to make those payments. If faced with financial ruin employing a bankruptcy attorney can pull them out of their growing debt. Being broke is a difficult situation to be in and the future will seem bleak but the guidance of a bankruptcy lawyer will be a beacon of hope for the economically depressed.