Boston 3/30/2011 4:22:08 AM
News / Finance

The Tea Party Hopes to Open People’s Eyes with “Atlas Shrugged: Part One”

by Daun Lee

The Tea Party, is working to promote the film “Atlas Shrugged” which strategically debuts on April 15th, the day federal taxes are due, according to USA Today. The film is an adaptation of a novel by Ayn Rand, who felt that laissez-faire capitalism was the best approach to keep society from crumbling. Laissez-faire capitalism means that private companies are left to conduct business without the interference of governmental taxes and restrictive regulations, according to Wikipedia. Tea Party members feel as though the film displays the laurels of smaller government and lower taxes.

The Tea Party movement is named after the Boston rebellions of 1773 which were organized to protest excessive taxes imposed on tea by the British Government before American Independence. The modern version of the Tea Party favors lower taxes. There are many ways in which people can legally lower the amount they pay in taxes but the reality is if you don’t pay your taxes or pay the right amount in taxes a tax attorney may become a necessity.

Tax day is a day many people dread, for the most part Americans dutifully pay their taxes but mistakes can be made. A mistake on a federal tax form can result in penalties that a tax lawyer can work towards making manageable. Since dealing with the bureaucracy and understanding the tax laws is difficult for the majority of people an expert tax attorney will be able to work for the individual or business.